Thursday, January 9, 2014

Rolling Out New Blogging Plans

You may have noticed that it’s been mighty quiet in here lately. In fact, I’ve let my blogs go idle so long, I’m having to fight through thick layers of dust and cobwebs to reach you tonight. Well, perhaps not literally, but certainly figuratively. My mind has been bogged down by many things the last few months. There were two deaths in my family. I got caught up a little too much in NaNoWriMo. The holidays swept through my home. i had to deal with having a mega cold from h*** and a resulting fibromyalgia flare that left me reeling. And now my family is dealing with a medical crisis with my mother. Yes, that’s a LOT of dust and cobwebs, my friends.

However, I’m hard at work planning, revamping, and brainstorming, so I can give a fresh face to my blogs in 2014. So stay tuned. I have a feeling my blogs are going to be more awesome than ever before. It’s time to turn my blogging up a notch and go bravely into deeper blogging territory. Sounds like a lot of fun, huh?

Stop back next week to check out my blog renovations. And thank you in advance for understanding as I fumble my way through the transition to something bigger and better! Take care, my friends, and thank you for your continued support in my blogging adventure.

© 2014 Amanda R. Dollak

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